Frequently Asked Questions


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From adding an EV charger to upgrading a home to be fully solar powered, we're here to educate our clients about all aspects of an install

  • How do I determine my electricity usage and costs before considering solar?

    We assist with determining total usage, as every utility is different. Some will give us enough data in a graph on a single bill, whereas others require pulling a report from their webpage. To understand your current electricity usage and costs, review your utility bills for the past year, noting the kilowatt-hours (kWh) used and the rates charged. This information helps you gauge your average energy consumption, crucial for sizing a solar panel system

  • What impact do solar panels have on property values?

    Solar panels can significantly increase a home's value. Research shows that homes with solar energy systems sell for more than those without, especially if the solar system is owned outright. Locally, the Washington property value increase is 4.1%, and is in the standards listed by the appraisals practices board, but fortunately is not factored in for property taxes

  • Can you explain net metering and its benefits?

    Net metering is a billing arrangement that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. For example, if your solar panels generate more electricity than your home uses during daylight hours, the excess energy is exported to the grid, and you receive credits. These credits can offset the electricity you consume from the grid when your system isn't producing enough power, potentially reducing your monthly electricity bills substantially and ideally offsetting all of your rate charges year-round. Almost every utility in Washington state has to follow this program until 4% of their power supply is offset by customer-owned solar. Once that happens, they are no longer required to offer net metering at the current 1:1 kWh exchange rate and can request to replace the program with less favorable terms for new customers. The great news is, once you have a solar system with net metering, you keep that agreement in place as long as the system is on your home and isn't added to.

  • How do solar panels work, and what maintenance do they require?

    Solar panels absorb sunlight using photovoltaic cells, converting it into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts DC into alternating current (AC), which powers your home. Solar panels are low maintenance, requiring little more than occasional cleaning to remove debris or snow to maintain efficiency. Most systems come with warranties, ensuring they generate power for 25 to 40+ years

  • What financing options are available for solar panels?

    Fortunately, Washington has subsidized solar loan programs so we can usually offer loans to our customers at rates 3-5% below what banks typically offer without huge closing costs. As well, most solar loans let you ‘roll in’ your 30% federal tax credit in the future to lower your monthly payment

  • What qualifications should I look for in an electrician?

    When choosing an electrician, it's important to select a licensed professional who is qualified to perform electrical work in your area. Check for references and read customer reviews to gauge the electrician's reputation and the quality of their work. These are available on both this webpage and our google page

  • Can electricians install generators, and what are the benefits?

    Yes, electricians can install standby generators to ensure your home or business remains powered during outages. However, with the advances in battery technology the last few years, we strongly advocate going that route unless muti-day outages are a constant issue, as they provide a cleaner, quieter and maintenance-free backup solution. Batteries are also available with a 30% Federal credit through 2032

  • What should I do to prepare my home for electrical work?

    Before electrical work begins, clear the work area of any furniture or valuables to provide easy access for the electricians. Ensure pets and children are kept away from the work area for safety. If possible, provide details about your electrical system, such as panel locations and previous issues, to help the electrician assess the job more efficiently. Clear communication about your expectations and any specific needs or issues are essential to a smooth experience

  • Understanding Solar Incentives in Washington State and the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

    What is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for Solar? The Federal Investment Tax Credit, commonly referred to as the solar ITC, is a significant financial incentive for both residential and commercial solar energy systems. It allows you to deduct a certain percentage of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. The ITC applies to the total cost of your system, including both equipment and installation. The specific percentage can vary based on the year of installation, highlighting the importance of current information for planning purposes.

    How Does the ITC Benefit Me? The ITC directly reduces the amount of federal taxes you owe, dollar for dollar, making it more economically feasible to install a solar system. For example, if you qualify for a 30% tax credit and your solar system costs $10,000, you could save $3,000 on your taxes. If your tax liability is less than the credit amount, you can carry over the remaining balance to the next tax year, ensuring you take full advantage of the incentive.

    Are There Solar Incentives Specific to Washington State? Yes, Washington State offers additional incentives to encourage solar energy adoption. These can include:

    • Sales Tax Exemption: Purchases of solar energy systems may be exempt from Washington's sales tax, reducing the upfront cost.
    • Net Metering Programs: Washington State's net metering policy allows you to earn credit on your utility bills for excess energy your system produces and feeds back into the grid.
    • Special financing: Some credit unions and utilities in Washington offer special financing to cover a solar system and associated roof work at lower than market rates.

    Who is Eligible for These Incentives? Eligibility for the ITC requires you to own your solar system (as opposed to leasing) and have it installed at your primary or secondary U.S. residence. The system must be new or being used for the first time. For state-specific incentives, homeowners and businesses in Washington installing new solar energy systems generally qualify, but specific requirements can vary by program.

    How Can I Take Advantage of These Incentives? To maximize your savings:

    1. Consult with us: We can provide the most current information on available incentives and help determine your eligibility.
    2. Keep Documentation: Save all receipts and contracts related to your solar installation for tax purposes.
    3. File Tax Forms: For the ITC, you’ll need to complete IRS Form 5695 and submit it with your federal tax return.


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